全新的Gulson Gardens学生公寓在2020年9月开放,提供多种宽敞的单人卧室和时髦的单间套房。每间房间均带有舒适的床、充足的储物空间和学习区等。住户还享有丰富的公共空间和充实的活动日程,你可以和室友一起在电影放映室观赏电影,或在私人用餐室里举办派对。有了公寓自带的健身房,再也没有懒惰的借口,即可方便地锻炼身体。此外,公寓还设有专门的自习室,为你提供良好的学习环境,祝你再创佳绩!
- 考文垂大学:骑行3分钟,步行10分钟
- 华威大学:公共交通26分钟,骑行28分钟
55 Gulson Rd, 考文垂, CV1 2LA
全新的Gulson Gardens学生公寓在2020年9月开放,提供多种宽敞的单人卧室和时髦的单间套房。每间房间均带有舒适的床、充足的储物空间和学习区等。住户还享有丰富的公共空间和充实的活动日程,你可以和室友一起在电影放映室观赏电影,或在私人用餐室里举办派对。有了公寓自带的健身房,再也没有懒惰的借口,即可方便地锻炼身体。此外,公寓还设有专门的自习室,为你提供良好的学习环境,祝你再创佳绩!
If you cancel your booking prior to the agreement being executed, your Advance Rent
contribution will be returned.
Once your booking is executed we operate a 72 hour “cooling off” period up to the 31st July so
if your circumstances change you can cancel your booking subject to you having not moved
into the property yet. To cancel your booking please email the Residents’ Team within 72 hours of receiving your
‘Lease Agreement Executed’ email. You will then be refunded your advance rent contribution
payment. NB. This may take up to 10 working days to reach your account.
From the 1st August the “cooling off” period is reduced to 24 hours.
Once the “Cooling Off” period has expired, you can cancel your booking prior to the tenancy
start date if:
• You do not have a visa to enter the UK
• You have not acquired the grades to be offered a place at the chosen university
• You have failed to achieve the grades to continue your study at university
In these circumstances, please provide evidence (UCAS notification/ Visa refusal
documentation) to the Residents’ Team within 72 hours of being notified.
There are no other circumstances under which we will accept a request for a cancellation
either before or during the tenancy.
It may be possible with the Landlord’s agreement to transfer your obligations to someone else
who is eligible to live at the property. There is no obligation on our part to find you a
replacement tenant. You can advertise your accommodation or undertake your own search
for a replacement tenant. If you find a replacement tenant we will need to do some basic
checks to confirm their eligibility to take over the tenancy.
Before we will accept a new tenant your account and all obligations need to be up to date and
any rent due up to the changeover will need to be paid. There will also be a charge incurred
(please see Fee Schedule for details).
Once the new person has signed the Tenancy Agreement and made the first rent payment
they will take responsibility for future rent payments and all other obligations as stated in the
agreement. Until this has happened your will remain responsible for the payment of rent until
the end of the tenancy.