
Portland Green Student Village学生公寓

Portland Green Student VillagePortland Green Student VillagePortland Green Student VillagePortland Green Student VillagePortland Green Student Village查看全部照片



138 位学生已收藏此公寓


选择Newcastle upon Tyne的Portland Green Student Village学生公寓,商店、餐馆、公共交通触手可及,尽享便利留学生活

  • 地址:

    Portland Road, 纽卡斯尔, NE2 1AA

  • 免费取消期限:


  • 设施: 厨房, 提供家具, 洗衣房, 健身房
  • 房租包含: 无线网, 水费, 电费, 暖气, 煤气费
  • 楼层图



    • 无线网络
    • 健身房
    • 前台
    • 娱乐区/室
    • 公共厨房
    • 图书馆/学习区
    • 提供家具
    • 公共洗衣房(投币式)
    • 闭路电视/监控摄像机
    • 维修团队(仅日间)
    • 安保人员(夜间巡逻)
    • 安全门禁(24小时)
    • 禁止吸烟
    • 禁止饲养宠物






    • 无线网络
    • 水费
    • 电费
    • 暖气
    • 煤气费




    Can I cancel my booking before I move in?

    We offer a ‘cooling off period’ of 7 days after you have secured your accommodation by paying a deposit or/and signing the Assured Shorthold Tenancy [AST], on condition that you have not already checked into the accommodation. In these cases, you must provide email/written confirmation to the site. You will no longer be liable for the contractual obligations as set out in the tenancy agreement, and we will refund your full deposit.

    What if I want to cancel my booking after the 7-day cooling off period?

    If you wish to cancel your booking after the 7-day cooling off period, you will remain liable for the contractual obligation set out in the tenancy agreement.

    Exceptions to this may be considered if proof is offered under the following circumstances:

    • Your UK Visa application has been denied
    • You have failed to obtain the required qualifications to get into your first University of choice
    • Extenuating circumstances e.g. ill-health, family circumstances

    Where proof is required, this must be emailed to site, then the request to cancel will be considered.

    If you have failed to obtain your grades to attend university or your UK visa has been denied, the proof must be supplied and emailed to the site within 72-hours. On receipt of the proof we will cancel your booking and refund your full deposit. You will no longer be liable for the contractual obligations in your tenancy agreement.

    If you fail to send the proof within the 72-hour timescale, your deposit will be retained. If you fail to tell us until after the tenancy commencement date you will be liable for the full contract.

    If you are no longer attending university or live away from home due to extenuating circumstances, then please contact the team at Abodus Student Living who can advise you further.

    If you are hold an AST through a university nomination, this may vary, please check with your accommodation team at site.

    All requests to cancel a booking must be made in writing or email to the Operations Manager.

    Can I cancel my booking after I have moved in?

    After you have checked in and collected your keys you lose to right to cancel your tenancy.

    You are liable for the full rent unless a suitable replacement is found to take over your Assured Shorthold Tenancy.

    Only when a suitable replacement has been found and they have completed their tenancy and paid any rent due, will you be released from your tenancy liability, and we will refund your deposit.

    If you have withdrawn from university due to extenuating circumstances, then please speak to our team at Abodus Student Living, who can advise you further. 

    What happens if I want to move rooms?

    If you want to change your room booking prior to the tenancy start date we will try and accommodate any changes subject to availability, please contact the site directly to discuss your booking.

    If you want to move or swap rooms after your tenancy has started, we will try and accommodate your move subject to availability and your rent account being up to date. A £50 administration charge will be retained from your deposit.

    Can I book for September?

    Yes, Abodus is open, housing students from across the globe and whilst we appreciate you may not be able to attend a viewing in person, we can arrange skype viewings and many of our locations have virtual tours – see our website.

    Many of you will be awaiting more information on what is happening with exam results, Visas and future international travel restrictions as a result of Covid 19 measures, however with Abodus you can book with total confidence.

    We operate a 7 day “cooling off” period after you have secured your room with a paid deposit and signed contract.

    We also offer you the ability to cancel your tenancy at the earliest reasonable opportunity, and in any event at least 72 hours prior to the move in date, if you have not secured your grades, obtained a suitable visa, or are experiencing extenuating circumstances e.g. ill-health, family circumstances or travel restrictions imposed by the UK Government / your government which mean that you will be unable to attend University for 22/23 academic year.

    Can I cancel my booking due to circumstances around COVID 19?

    If you have booked for September 2022, our standard cancellation policy applies.

    We have also now updated our policy to make allowances for how COVID 19 has impacted our lives.

    If you have booked a Summer or Short Term stay with Abodus but find yourself unable to travel to the UK, due to international travel restrictions imposed by government, or due to Covid-19 related health issues, then you are able to cancel your booking and your deposit will be refunded in full, provided you notify us at the earliest reasonable opportunity, and in any event at least 72 hours before your Tenancy Start Date.

    In cases where a 22/23 first year academic semester is delayed, due to COVID-19, Abodus will update the start date of your tenancy contract in line with the deferred university start date, if that is what you wish or require. In this circumstance, you must notify the Abodus team within 72 hours of the university confirming any deferred start date and you will need to provide proof in the form of an official email or statement as part of this request for deferral.

    If you cannot attend University because the start of term is postponed significantly or indefinitely due to Covid-19, then you will also be able to cancel your booking and your deposit will be refunded in full, providing you provide proof in the form of an official email or statement as part of this request.

    What if my course start date is delayed during the first semester for 2022/23? What happens with my contract?

    We are in constant communication with all of our university partners, and there is nothing to suggest that the 2022/23 academic year will be delayed at this stage. If your term date is delayed for the first semester, we will simply update the start of your accommodation contract in line with your deferred University start date, if that is what you wish or require.

    How do I defer my contract?

    All you will need to do is let us know at the earliest opportunity, or at least within 72 hours of your university advising you that it has delayed the start of your 2022/23 academic year as a result of COVID 19 - You'll need to provide proof, such as an official email or statement from your respective institution in order for us to process this request.

    What if I can’t move in because of travel restrictions?

    If you are unable to travel to the UK for the 22/23 academic year due to travel restrictions imposed by the UK Government / your government due to COVID-19, Abodus will not hold you to your tenancy agreement and deposits will be refunded.

    - You'll need to provide proof, such as an official email or statement from your government in order for us to process this request, and do so at the earliest reasonable opportunity.

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    • 当季优惠


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