Collegiate Crown Place Norwich学生公寓

Collegiate Crown Place NorwichCollegiate Crown Place NorwichCollegiate Crown Place NorwichCollegiate Crown Place NorwichCollegiate Crown Place Norwich查看全部照片
£170 /周

  • 可长租
  • 该公寓不接受从诺里奇艺术大学对Crown Place Norwich First Years & Year Zero Students的学生推荐


13 位学生已收藏此公寓


入住位于诺里奇市中心的Crown Place Norwich学生公寓,留学生活安全舒适,步行范围可抵达诺里奇艺术大学

  • 地址:

    Crown Place, Surrey St, Norwich, 诺里奇, NR1 3RF

  • 前往诺里奇艺术大学:
    • 12分钟
    • 10分钟
    • 6分钟
  • 前往东安格利亚大学:
    • 66分钟
    • 30分钟
    • 12分钟
  • 设施: 厨房, 提供家具, 洗衣房, 健身房
  • 房租包含: 无线网, 水费, 电费, 暖气, 煤气费
  • 楼层图



    • 无线网络
    • 电影放映室
    • 健身房
    • 自行车车库
    • 娱乐区/室
    • 公共厨房
    • 图书馆/学习区
    • 提供家具
    • 公共洗衣房(投币式)
    • 闭路电视/监控摄像机
    • 安全警报
    • 维修团队(24小时待命)
    • 安保人员(24小时巡逻)
    • 安全门禁(24小时)


    提交申请: 如果你尚不完全确定具体的日期/学校,请不用担心,你依然可以提交申请,只需提供初步的个人意向及信息即可
    与顾问沟通: 我们将会为你匹配一位专业的预订顾问,你可以向其咨询任何问题,以便让他/她更多的了解你的情况,及时提供协助
    付款: 请使用信用卡/借记卡支付定金/其他费用,以确保我们能够顺利地帮助你预订房源
    确认预订: 在你完成预订申请表及其他公寓文件后,我们将帮助你完成房源的预订




    • 无线网络
    • 水费
    • 财产保险
    • 电费
    • 暖气
    • 煤气费



    Booking, Cancellation Policy, and Liability

    (England and Wales)

    To apply for and book, a flat or bedroom at a Collegiate AC managed property, you must pay £100

    to reserve the room (described herein as “Reservation Rent”). This payment is made at the time of

    booking through our on-line booking system.

    You will have 15 days from making your booking to sign the Tenancy Agreement. The Reservation

    Rent is fully refundable if you cancel your booking within this period.

    Once the Tenancy Agreement has been signed, the Reservation Rent will be held until the first rental

    payment falls due under your Tenancy Agreement, and will be offset against the amount due.

    To cancel your booking you must tell us in writing by sending an email to us at:                    

    You may be eligible to be released from your agreement if:

    Your offer of a place at your preferred University/Higher Education institution is withdrawn as a result

    of you not achieving the required entry grades, you have surpassed your required entry grades and

    choose to go to a different University or you have extenuating circumstances that prevents you taking

    your place at University.

    In order to meet the criteria you will need one of the following:

    ·      To provide a written rejection letter from your chosen university/Higher Education Institute

    ·      Evidence as to why you cannot take your place

    You will be required to pay a Deposit (“Deposit”) at the commencement of the Residential Period. 

    This payment will be collected with your first rental payment.

    Your Deposit will be held under a Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme and will be used as security

    against any damage to the Room, the Flat or the Property (fair wear and tear excepted), any damage

    to the furnishings or other equipment provided (fair wear and tear excepted) and any unpaid Rent

    or other charges incurred during the duration of your Tenancy Agreement. The balance of the

    Deposit will be paid to you within 28 days after the termination of the Tenancy Agreement, less any

    reasonable costs incurred for the breach of any obligation under the Tenancy Agreement.

    Booking, Cancellation Policy, and Liability

    (England and Wales)

    It is important that you understand that when you sign your Tenancy Agreement, you are   

    entering into a legal agreement with the Landlord, and are liable for the full rent due for the

    Residential Period.

    Cancellation of your Booking by Collegiate AC

    Our terms and conditions require you to sign your Tenancy Agreement online within 15 days of

    receiving the Offer of Accommodation.

    If you fail to sign your agreement within this timescale we may cancel your booking, giving notice by

    email, and you will forfeit any ‘reservation rent’ paid if it is outside the 15 day cooling off period

    • 优质房源保障


    • 优惠价格保证


    • 24小时专业顾问团队服务
