Kingsmill Studios学生公寓距离哈德斯菲尔德大学仅有几分钟的路程。附近商店、酒吧和餐厅云集,闹中取静,致力为学生提供高品质的住宿环境。
公寓周边交通便利,有直达曼彻斯特和利兹的火车。公寓靠近M62高速公路,1小时车程内可以抵达曼彻斯特机场和利兹布拉德福德机场。你可以在附近找到众多著名的高街店和古老的维多利亚拱廊——Byram Arcade,那儿的建筑会让你啧啧称奇。
- 哈德斯菲尔德大学:骑行3分钟,步行7分钟
Huddersfield, 哈德斯菲尔德, HD1 3AU
Kingsmill Studios学生公寓距离哈德斯菲尔德大学仅有几分钟的路程。附近商店、酒吧和餐厅云集,闹中取静,致力为学生提供高品质的住宿环境。
公寓周边交通便利,有直达曼彻斯特和利兹的火车。公寓靠近M62高速公路,1小时车程内可以抵达曼彻斯特机场和利兹布拉德福德机场。你可以在附近找到众多著名的高街店和古老的维多利亚拱廊——Byram Arcade,那儿的建筑会让你啧啧称奇。
If for any reason you decide to leave during your contracted term, we might be able to release you from your tenancy agreement. But only if these conditions are met:
You agree not to transfer or sublet the tenancy to anyone else without our written consent, as in point 7.1(n) of the tenancy agreement.
You find a suitable replacement to take a new tenancy agreement for the rest of your tenancy. This person must: be at least 18 years old and enrolled as a full-time student in a university close to the accommodation; enter into a tenancy agreement with us and pay all sums due within it; and provide a guarantor where reasonable, who must accept the terms and conditions set out in the tenancy agreement.
You pay a £50 administration fee.
We can’t refund you until the student replacing you has taken over your room’s contract, signed the tenancy agreement, paid, and moved in.