
Canterbury Hall学生公寓

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28 位学生已收藏此公寓


位于Preston的Canterbury Hall学生公寓提供多种房型满足您的需求,设施齐全并配有门禁系统,留学租房安全、舒适、有保障

  • 地址:

    2 Garstang Road, 普雷斯顿, PR1 1AL

  • 设施: 提供家具, 洗衣房, 健身房
  • 房租包含: 无线网, 水费, 电费, 暖气, 煤气费
  • 设施&服务

    • 无线网络
    • 电影放映室
    • 健身房
    • 自行车车库
    • 前台
    • 娱乐区/室
    • 图书馆/学习区
    • 提供家具
    • 公共洗衣房(投币式)
    • 闭路电视/监控摄像机
    • 维修团队(仅日间)
    • 安全门禁(电子钥匙)






    • 无线网络
    • 水费
    • 财产保险
    • 电费
    • 暖气
    • 煤气费



    Cancellation policy

    Cancellation by you

    Once you have entered into the Tenancy Agreement you will be liable for the contractual obligations (including payments) set out in it and may only cancel under the following circumstances:

    1. Cooling-off period – before 1st August: Unless you have already collected the keys to the accommodation, you may cancel your booking by contacting us by e-mail at enquiries@nurturstudentliving.com at any time during the 5 days after we send you an e-mail confirming your booking offer (the “5 Day Cooling-Off Period”). If you do that, we will make no charge and we will return any Advance Rent you have already paid to us within 7 working days to you.
    2. Cooling-off period – including after 1st August: Unless you have already collected the key(s) to the accommodation, you may cancel your booking by contacting us by e-mail at enquiries@nurturstudentliving.com at any time up to 24 hours after we send you an e-mail confirming your booking offer. If you do that, we will make no charge and we will return any Advance Rent you have already paid to us within 7 working days to you.
    3. Failure to get grades (Undergraduates): Should you fail to gain the required qualifications and are not accepted into University, you may cancel your Tenancy Agreement and we will refund any Advance Rent payments within four weeks so long as you provide the following information within 72 hours of your exam results being published: (a) written confirmation from you that you wish to cancel your Tenancy Agreement due to having failed to obtain the required grades for your first choice University; and (b) supporting evidence from the University or UCAS.
    4. No Visa: If you are required and fail to obtain a UK Visa before the start date of your tenancy, we will cancel your Tenancy Agreement and refund any Advance Rent payments made by you to us within four weeks provided you supply us with the following within 3 days of you receiving official confirmation that your visa was declined: (a) written confirmation from you that you wish to cancel your reservation; and (b) supporting official evidence to show that the UK Visa was declined.
    5. Extenuating circumstances: If you are no longer able to attend University and/or live away from home due to extenuating circumstances, such as ill-health or family issues, please contact us in order to discuss the matter. We may require you to provide us with proof of such circumstances prior to agreeing to terminate the Tenancy Agreement. You are liable to ensure all rent payments are up to date until any release from tenancy date is agreed. In the event a cancellation of booking under this policy is denied, you would be responsible for sourcing a placement tenant.
    6. Cancellation by you – replacement tenant: you will remain liable for the full contractual rent, unless and until a suitable (in our sole opinion) replacement tenant is found by you for your accommodation. If a suitable replacement tenant is found, subject to our entering into a new agreement with such proposed tenant, you will be released from the contractual obligations set out in the Tenancy Agreement and any overpaid rent money will be refunded to you, less an amount equal to £50 as a cancellation and administrative fee. In the event of you sourcing a replacement tenant before your tenancy start date, subject to a successful tenancy take over, you are no longer liable for any administration fees or future contractual obligations set out in the Tenancy Agreement.

    Cancellation by us

    1. Failure to collect your key(s) within timeframe: If you enter into the Tenancy Agreement, and you then fail to collect your key within 28 days of the Tenancy Start Date, we reserve the right to: (a) cancel your booking and terminate the Tenancy Agreement and (b) re-let your room. In these circumstances any rent paid by you (including any Advance Rent will not be refunded to cover any losses incurred by us for empty unlet rooms. This provision takes precedence over any other provision set out in the Tenancy Agreement.
    2. Provision of incomplete, false or misleading information: including a failure to complete your application, provide guarantor details or supporting documentation in good time or other reasons set out in the Tenancy Agreement.
    • 优质房源保障


    • 优惠价格保证


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